One Step at a Time


I cannot deny the fact that these past 6 weeks have been one of the most challenging things I have ever experienced and, I must say, it’s not yet over. I don’t know what I would do without all the people always supporting me. This transition to work has tested my will, patience, discipline, intellectual capability, potential, personal relations, relationship and personal life to its utmost level.

A perfectionist like me needs to fight this exact strength of mine, else, it would be the cause of my downfall. One of my favorite advice that I received was to just wing it. It may not be the best advice but it truly sums up the essence of what I need to achieve if I want to set my priorities straight. One of the things that worked so far is isolating my priorities one at a time. In the beginning, the travel was harder than the work. When I eventually adjusted, I isolated my work in chunks so I could master one thing at a time.

Don’t get me wrong, I have made all these choices myself and I am happy where I am. I feel fulfilled and happy even if I’m more exhausted than usual. I just need to take things one at a time, always remembering the things that truly matter in my life. I will get there soon. Have a happy week ahead! Life is good.

© 2013 Dolce Vita. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. (
Photo Credit: Tumblr User Post
