Posts Tagged: Tuna

Tsukiji Fish Market – A must!

Japan Chronicles 8  – Tsukiji Fish Market (May 23, 2013) We only had one free day to spare during our Japan tour last May and I wanted to have a blast with my family! Having heard that going to Tsukiji Fish

Tsukiji Fish Market – A must!

Japan Chronicles 8  – Tsukiji Fish Market (May 23, 2013) We only had one free day to spare during our Japan tour last May and I wanted to have a blast with my family! Having heard that going to Tsukiji Fish

Japan Prep

One more day until we leave for our Japan trip and I’m almost done with my preparations. My obsessive compulsive self made a comprehensive powerpoint presentation of our 8-day trip on 48 slides detailing all the locations, duration of travel

Japan Prep

One more day until we leave for our Japan trip and I’m almost done with my preparations. My obsessive compulsive self made a comprehensive powerpoint presentation of our 8-day trip on 48 slides detailing all the locations, duration of travel